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List of Chemical Product Names (Page C3)

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Product Name CAS Registry Number Molecular Formula
Cadmium chloride 10108-64-2 CdCl2
Cadmium chloride hydrate 7790-78-5 2(CdCl2).5(H2O)
Cadmium cyanide 542-83-6 Cd(CN)2
Cadmium diethyldithiocarbamate 14239-68-0 2(C5H10NS2).Cd
Cadmium fluoride 7790-79-6 CdF2
Cadmium fluoroborate 14486-19-2 Cd.2(BF4)
Cadmium hydroxide 21041-95-2 Cd(OH)2
Cadmium iodate 7790-81-0 Cd(IO3)2
Cadmium iodide 7790-80-9 CdI2
Cadmium, mol. (Cd3) 53809-79-3 Cd3
Cadmium nitrate 10325-94-7 Cd(NO3)2
Cadmium oxide 1306-19-0 CdO
Cadmium selenide 1306-24-7 CdSe
Cadmium selenide sulfide 12214-12-9 Cd2SSe
Cadmium stearate 2223-93-0 2(C18H35O2).Cd
Cadmium sulfate 10124-36-4 CdSO4
Cadmium sulfate octahydrate 7790-84-3 CdSO4.8(H2O)
Cadmium sulfide 68859-25-6 CdS
Cadmium sulfide 1306-23-6 CdS
Cadmium telluride 1306-25-8 CdTe
Cadmium tungstate 7790-85-4 CdWO4
Cadusafos 95465-99-9 C10H23O2PS2
CADY (peptide) 1369966-01-7 C127H197N39O22
Caerulein 17650-98-5 C58H73N13O21S2
Caesalmin B 352658-23-2 C22H28O6
Caesalpin H 204185-91-1 C26H36O9
Caesalpinin H 197781-85-4 C22H28O7
Caesappanin C 1913319-59-1 C32H32O12
Caesium fluoride 13400-13-0 CsF
Cafenstrole 125306-83-4 C16H22N4O3S
Cafesterol 469-83-0 C20H28O3
Caffeic acid 331-39-5 C9H8O4
trans-Caffeic acid stearyl ester 69573-60-0 C27H44O4
Caffeidine acid 54536-15-1 C8H12N4O3
Caffeine 58-08-2 C8H10N4O2
N-Caffeoyl-4-amino-n-butyric acid 110882-10-5 C13H15NO5
6-O-Caffeoylarbutin 136172-60-6 C21H22O10
10-O-Caffeoyl deacetyldaphylloside 83348-22-5 C26H30O14
3-O-Caffeoyloleanolic acid 97534-10-6 C39H54O6
Caffeoylputrescine 29554-26-5 C13H18N2O3
1-Caffeoylquinic acid 1241-87-8 C16H18O9
4-O-(E)-Caffeoylquinic acid methyl ester 123372-74-7 C17H20O9
3-O-Caffeoylquinic acid methyl ester 123483-19-2 C17H20O9
Caftaric acid 67879-58-7 C13H12O9
Cagrilintide 1415456-99-3 C194H312N54O59S2
1R, 2S, 3R-CAH impurity 2475187-95-0 C20H19ClF7NO2
Cajanin 32884-36-9 C16H12O6
Cajeput Oil 8008-98-8
Calamenene-3,7-diol 941227-27-6 C15H22O2
Calamine 8011-96-9

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